
SSC 2016: May 25 - 28, 2016

The 62nd Annual SSC Meeting of the ISTH is an excellent and affordable scientific event designed for medical professionals at all career levels to participate in plenary and education sessions led by the world's leading experts. Attendees have the opportunity to contribute to the ISTH’s SSC subcommittees that address the immediate and future laboratory and clinical opportunities and challenges in thrombosis and hemostasis.

Contrary to most medical/scientific meetings that mainly provide an overview of current discoveries and therapeutic options, SSC meetings are a vivid platform for scientific and clinical working groups that lay the foundation for future diagnostic and therapeutic breakthroughs that will impact patient care for years to come. The SSC meetings accomplish this through the combined efforts of thousands of experts in the field who discuss practical issues that require the translation of scientific knowledge into reliable methods for the evaluation of normal hemostasis and the diagnosis and treatment of thrombotic and bleeding disorders.

SSC 2016 will facilitate this exciting discourse, setting critically important diagnostic and therapeutic standards that allow the field to work together toward real-time and patient-centric solutions.

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