BBTS Conference

BBTS 2024: Clinical and Scientific Programme

Scroll down for programme to date, this will be updated regularly leading up to the event.

DAY 1: Tuesday 17th September


9:15 - 9:30Conference Opening from BBTS President Prof Dave Roberts

Simultaneous Sessions
9.30 - 11.00

9:30 - 11:00

Red Cell SIG Part 1: Biochemical and computational analysis of red cells

Session Chair(s):
Lesley Bruce, Research Science Project Leader, Component Development Laboratory, NHSBT and Vanja Crew, Senior Research Scientist, IBGRL, NHSBT

Speakers and topics:

Andrew D Beale , MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge Mechanisms and physiological function of circadian rhythms in red blood cells

William Dunn, Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge Machine learning to predict the presence of high-risk clonal haematopoiesis from blood count data

Giuseppe Di Caprio, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow Innovative assay for high-throughput single-cell measurement of red blood cell oxygen affinity: from haemoglobin polymerization in sickle cell patients to characterizing blood substitute functionality.

Session 1 of 3

Paediatric SIG: Paediatric and Neonatal Transfusion from PBM to cord blood

Session Chair: Anne Kelly, Consultant Paediatric Haematologist,Great Ormond Street Hospital and NHSBT

Speakers and topics:   

Dr Phillip Arnold, Consultant Anaethetist, Alder Hey, Liverpool
Point of care testing of coagulation and Patient Blood Management in Children

Dr Samiran Ray, Consultant in Paediatric Intensive Care, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London
Paediatric Transfusion Practices in PICU - are results from a prospective observational study

Professor Luciana Teofili, Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli IRCCS, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - 
The 4 W's of cord blood transfusion in preterm neonates: Why, Who, What and When

Cellular Therapies SIG:

Session Chair:
Session Chair: Dr Jenny Easterbrook, Consultant Haematologist, Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service

Speakers and topics:

Gillian McGaffin, Stem Cell Laboratory Director, NHS Scotland    Challenges of running a bone marrow harvest service in 2024

Rachel Wood, Project Manager, Quality Directorate, Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service Replacing SNBTS's cell separator fleet - challenges of tendering and validation

11:00 - 11:30
Break & Trade Exhibition 

Simultaneous Sessions
11.30 - 13.00

11:30 - 13:00
Red Cell SIG Part 2: Sickle cell disease

Session Chair(s): Session Chairs: Lesley Bruce, Research Science Project Leader, Component Development Laboratory, NHSBT and Vanja Crew, Vanja Crew, Senior Research Scientist, IBGRL, NHSBT

Speakers and topics:

Corrina McMahon, Children's Health Ireland at Crumlin, Haematology Oncology, Dublin Sickle cell disease landscape and challenges in the EU: the ERN-EuroBloodNet perspective

William Astle, NHS Blood and Transplant, Cambridge, UK and the MRC Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge Genetic association studies of red cell phenotypes and implications for the treatment of sickle cell disease.

Panicos Shangaris, Women and Children's Health, School of Life Course and Population Sciences, King's College London Crack in the Creation: Prenatal Therapy for Congenital Blood Disorders

Session 2 of 3

Patient Blood Management SIG: Consent, Choice and Candour

Session Chair(s):Danny Gaskin, Patient Blood Management Practitioner NHSBT and Fateha Chowdhury, Consultant Haematologist in Transfusion Medicine, NHSBT

Speakers and topics:
Dr Fateha Chowdhury, Consultant Haematologist in Transfusion Medicine, NHSBT Case Presentation Looking back…. going forward

Mark Tarrant, Presentations Coordinator, HLC South London Why Choice is Important to Me: A Jehovah's Witness Perspective

Anwen Davies, Patient Blood Management Practitioner, NHSBT QS138 Quality Insights: Using data to improve practice

Microbiology SIG: 

Session Chairs:
Su Brailsford, Consultant in Epidemiology and Health Protection andInterim Clinical Director Microbiology and Public Health, NHSBT and ShannonGates,Scientist - Microbiology

Speakers and topics:

Prof. Peter Simmonds, Consultant of Microbiology, BTRU-GEMS, University of Oxford Lessons learnt from the Past- blood born virus contamination of clotting factor concentrates

Claire Reynolds, Senior Scientist, NHS Blood and Transplant/UKHSA Epidemiology Unit
Syphilis and blood donors –does it matter?

Ines Ushiro-Lumb, Consultant in Microbiology, NHS Blood and Transplant
Update on HHV-8 (title tbc)

13:00 - 14:00

Lunch/Lunchtime Symposium
Sponsored by Werfen

Werfen Sponsored Lunch Symposium

Its all about the Fit…

Claire Hayward, Deputy Director of Quality Governance, George Eliot NHS Trust

and Mick Earle, Management/Leadership Consultant.

Simultaneous Sessions
14.00 - 15.30

14:00 -

Red Cell SIG Part 3: New methods for identifying old antigens

Session Chair(s):
Session Chairs: Lesley Bruce, Research Science Project Leader, Component Development Laboratory, NHSBT and Vanya Crew, Vanja Crew, Senior Research Scientist, IBGRL, NHSBT

Annika Hult, Division of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Lund University Elucidating the cause of LKE negativity and its relationship to FORS

Louise Tilley, International Blood Group Reference Laboratory, NHSBT, Bristol Revealing the underlying gene for the AnWj-negative blood group phenotype

Tosti Mankelow, International Blood Group Reference Laboratory, NHSBT, Bristol Unravelling the molecular basis of the newest CTL2 blood group antigens

Session 3 of 3

Blood Bank TechnologySIG: Transfusion at the cutting edge

Session Chair:
Ben Holmes, Blood Transfusion LIMS Workstream Lead, NHS South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Pathology Network

Jennifer Davies, Transfusion Manager, Royal Devon University Healthcare, NHS Foundation Trust Using artificial intelligence for Kleihauer slide interpretation

Laura Eastwood, Consultant Scientist Trainee, NHSBT VR training

Graham Scott, Lead BMS, Southern Health and Social Care Trust, Craigavon, N Ireland SRP Treatment for Daratumumab Patients

Components SIG: Frozen and dried blood components

Session Chair: Mike Wiltshire, Component Development Laboratory Manager and Head of Centre Cambridge

Dr Matt Ellington, Clinical Research Fellow in Haematology, Component Development Laboratory, NHS Blood and Transplant and  UK Military - Use of Blood Products including Emergency Donor panels

Katarzyna Oleniacz, Component Development Scientist, Component Development Laboratory, NHSBT and Melani Munro Translational Research Programme Lead,Component Development Laboratory, NHS Blood and Transplant Spray-dried plasma

Shane Girmsley, DipRCPath, FBBTS, Senior Clinical Scientist (HSST), IBGRL, NHSBT: The importance, use and specification of frozen red cells

15:30 - 16:00Break & Trade Exhibition
16:00 - 17:30Plenary I: Blood Supply: Infected Blood Enquiry

Plenary Chair:
Julie Staves, Transfusion Laboratory Manager, Oxford University
Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Heidi Doughty, Retired Consultant, NHSBT

Speakers and Topics:

Su Brailsford, Consultant in Epidemiology and Health Protection,
Blood Service aspects of the IBI

Mike Murphy, Transfusion Consultant, NHS Blood and Transplant,
Oxford University Hospitals 
The Infected Blood Enquiry: Recommendations for Improving Hospital Transfusion Practice

Dr Lorna McLintock, MedicalDirector, Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service, NHS National Services Scotland The Scottish Experience

17:30 - 20:00Exhibition Opening Evening & Buffet Supper
(included in your registration fee)

DAY 2: Wednesday 18th September

08:00 - 08:45

Simultaneous Sessions
09.00 - 10.30

09:00 - 10:30Margaret Kenwright awards 

Session Chair(s): Denise McKeown, Regional Haemovigilance Co-ordinator, Belfast Trust and Dr Jamie Nash, PhD, Post Doctoral Researcher, Component Development and Research Laboratory

Speakers and topics:

Welsh Blood ServiceCarla Dawson, Transfusion Practitioner for NHS Grampian, Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service The Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS) Clinical Transfusion Dashboard

Dr Matthew Poynton, NHS Education Fellow,The Pathology Portal Developing a novel, interactive education resource for Transfusion Science and Transfusion Medicine

Thomas Bailey-Schmidt, Res M student, Welsh Blood Service Novel cryoprotective agents for long-term storage of red cells: results and considerations for future work

Helen Morgan, Healthcare Scientist, NHSBT Bristol Two examples of Rhnull phenotypes of the regulator type, caused by novel RHAG mutations

Abigail Borowski, Advanced Specialist Biomedical Scientist, NHSBT Bristol A second example of Anti-GIL in a patient with a homozygous missense mutation in AQP3, resulting in the rare GIL-

Serious Hazards of Transfusion: Improving Transfusion Safety

Session Chair(s): Vera Rose, SHOT Incident Specialist, NHSBT 

Speakers and topics:

Victoria Tuckley, SHOT Incident Specialist, NHSBT Learning from Laboratory errors

Nicola Swarbrick, SHOT Laboratory Incident Specialist, NHSBT Safer transfusions for patients with shared care

April Malloy, Transfusion Haemovigilance Specialist, SNBTS Transfusion Team, NHS and Simon Carter-Graham, SHOT Clinical Incident Specialist, NHSBT Implementation of actions following the TACO Alert

Dr Shruthi Narayan, Medical Director, SHOT and Consultant Donor Medicine, NHSBT, Dipika Shah, Senior EQA Scientist /Patient Representative, NHS, Stuart Lord, Lead Transfusion Practitioner, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Engaging with patients

Serological Case Studies: What’s Plan B? – Planning for Emergencies in Complex Serology Cases

Session Chair: Laura Eastwood, Consultant Clinical Scientist Trainee, RCI Barnsley, NHS Blood and Transplant

Speakers and topics:

Nicci Wilkes, Consultant Clinical Scientist Trainee (HSST), RCI Birmingham Rh Null With Evolving Serology

Nicola Kirkham, Senior BMS, Royal Derby Hospital & Dianne Armstrong, Reference Laboratory Manager, RCI Barnsley: Case Study: Putting Plan B into Practice

Nicole Thornton, Head of Red Cell Reference, IBGRL: Case Study, Case of a rare blood group: when group O isn’t suitable for an emergency

Additional Simultaneous Session

SS4: IT: Getting the Most out of your IT

Session Chair(s):  Julie Staves, Transfusion Laboratory Manager, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Rachel Moss

Julie Staves, Transfusion Laboratory Manager, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Use of Order Comms in Blood Transfusion Laboratories

James Davies, Senior Transfusion Practioner, Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Making the most of your IT: Electronic Blood Tracking Systems

Jennifer Davies, Transfusion Laboratory Manager, Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Making the most of your IT system: LIMS

10:30 - 11:00Break  & Trade Exhibition
11:00 - 12:30

Plenary II: BBTS Award Lectures:

Introduction to Awards by BBTS President Prof Dave Roberts

Race and Sanger Award Lecture – Dr. Christian Jannete Stevens Hernandez, Research Assistant, NHSBT Red Blood Cell Development and Storage

Kenneth Goldsmith Award Lecture – Dr. Laura Green, Consultant in Haemostasis and Transfusion Medicine, NHSBT and Barts Health NHS Trust Bleeding, Blood and Data: Learn from Every Transfusion

James Blundell Award Lecture – Professor Dennis Lo, Medical Director, Department of Chemical Pathology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Creating Paradigm Shifts in Diagnostics Using Plasma DNA

The BBTS President will also announce Prof Mike Murphy as the 2024 BBTS Mollison Award winner

12:30 - 13:00BBTS Annual General Meeting, Members Only
12:30 - 14:00Lunch & Trade Exhibition
13:05 - 13:50

Lunch/Lunchtime Symposium 

Speakers and topics: TBC

Simultaneous Sessions
14.00 - 15.30

14:00 - 15:30

Clinical Case Studies: Interesting cases                                   

Session Chair: Katie Hands, Consultant Haematologist, Associate Medical Director, Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service

Speakers and topics:

Helen New, Consultant Paediatric Haematology, NHSBT and Rebecca Braund, Lead Specialist Dried Plasma, Component Development Laboratory, NHSBT Management of ‘anaphylactic’ reactions to red cell transfusions in a severely anaemic patient

Asha Aggarwal , Research Fellow, NHSBT Providing rare blood for major surgery- a cautionary tale

Katherine Philpott, Blood Transfusion Laboratory Manager, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust Management of a complicated antenatal case with complex antibodies

Sara Wright, Consultant Clinical Scientist, NHS Guarding against Auto Immune Haemolytic Anaemia – Rh typing strategies in Bone Marrow transplant


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Transfusing the Transgender patient

Session Chairs: Dr.Erhabor Osaro (BBTS EDI Committee Chair) and Ian Sullivan,Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust

Speakers and topics:

Alex Liveridge, Senior Lecturer Biomedical Science/School of Health, Leeds Beckett University 

Samantha Bonney, Lead Transfusion Practitioner Transgender and gender diverse patients in hospital: Barriers preventing safe and inclusive care

Alice Walsingham -Clinical Scientist, NHSBT, Barnsley The Transgender Patient Experience

Transfusion 2024: From Transfusion 2024 to Transfusion Transformation 

Session Chair: Louise Sherliker, Programme Director Transfusion 2024, NHSBT and Anna Mamwell, Patient and Public Involvement

Speakers and topics: 

Shubha Allard, Consultant Haematologist, NHSBT Transfusion Transformation - why now?

Lise Estcourt, Medical Director for Transfusion, NHSBT Appropriate blood use- ensuring there is blood available for those that need it

Jane Mills, Deputy Director, Pathology NHS England Digital Integration in transfusion

Tom Bullock, Interim Chief Scientific Officer, NHSBT and Kerry Dowling Transfusion Laboratory Manager and UKTLC chair Prioritising the transfusion workforce

Additional Simultaneous Session

BSH/BBTS Collaboration Session: Where haematology meets Transfusion

Session Chairs: Simon Stanworth, NHSBT and Sue Pavord, Haematology Consultant, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Sue Pavord, Haematology Consultant,Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust  VITT: VITT and VITT-like syndromes, where are we in 2024?

John Brewin, Haematology Consultant, Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Red Cell Transfusion in Sickle cell disease: indications and pitfalls

Dr Mike Desborough, Haematology Consultant, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT)

15:30 - 16:45Break followed by networking and Poster Viewing Afternoon
16:45 - 17:15Poster Prize Giving
19:00 - 23:30Gala Dinner
Argyll Suite, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow

DAY 3: Thursday 19thSeptember

09:30 - 11:00Simultaneous Sessions:

Transfusion Practitoner SIG:
Developments and resources for TP enrichment 

Session Chairs: Karen Mead, Specialist Practitioner of Transfusion, Severn Pathology, North Bristol NHS Trust and Pedro Valle Vallines, Lead Transfusions Practitioner, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust

John Grant-Casey, Programme Manager, NHSBT: Lets get it right! A novel approach to improving bedside transfusion practices

Jenifer Rock, T2024 Transfusion Education Specialist, NHSBT and Katarina Kacinova, Transfusion Practitioner, University Hospital of Derby and Burton NHSFT: Transfusion Practitioner Professional Development Framework: how will it benefit TPs today and in the future?

Anne Davidson, Education Lead, Patient Blood Management Team, NHSBT Educational resources: What’s new and coming soon!

Hospital Laboratory

Session Chair: Graham Scott, Lead BMS, Southern Health and Social Care Trust, Craigavon.N Ireland

Recruiting Laboratory Staff

Ian Davies, Lecturer, University of Stafford From Intent to Impact: The role of degree apprenticeships in shopping the Biomedical Scientific workforce in the future

Shane Fearon, Specialist BMS, Southern Health and Social Care Trust, NI Regional Recruitment - Northern Ireland: 

Adaora Ifediata, STP, Trainee Clinical Scientist, North Bristol NHS Trust Recruiting Overseas

Donar/Donations: From Whole Blood to Plasma Donations: Why donating is essential

Chair: Dr Champa Manchanayake, Consultant in Transfusion Medicine, SNBTS and Dr Chiara Vendramin, Consultant in Transfusion Medicine, NHSBT 

Speakers and topics:

Dr Theodora Foukaneli, Consultant Haematologist, Cambridge University Hospitals and NHSBT and Dr Chiara Vendramin, Consultant in Transfusion Medicine, NHSBT Complex transfusion requirements for a patient with a very rare blood phenotype

Dr Angus Wells, Consultant in Donor Medicine, NHSBT Donor Selection and Blood Safety

Dr Charlotte Washington, Consultant in Donor Medicine, NHSBT Plasma for medicine: the story of the UK journey

Research: The Significance of Blood Groups

Session Chair: Nicole Thornton, Head of Red Cell Reference

Speaker and topics:

Stefan Meyer, BTS Zurich, Swiss Red Cross Long Read Nanopore sequencing in blood genetics

Tim Satchwell, UWE Bristol Making sense of genetic data - let's get back to the protein

Shane Grimsley, IBGRL, NHSBT Blood group discovery - what it means for the patient

11:00 - 11:30Break 
11:30 - 13:00
Plenary III - Guidelines

Plenary Chairs: Dave Roberts, Medical Director for Pathology, NHS Blood and Transplant and Julie Staves, Transfusion Laboratory Manager, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Simon Stanworth, Consultant, NHSBT:
Guidelines - The Why and How

Edwin Massey, Velindre University NHS Trust & Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board: How to address something not in a guideline

Amy Grove, University of Warwick: Barriers to the Implementation of Guidelines

13:00 - 13:15
Closing Remarks, Prof David Roberts 
13:45Close of Exhibition and Departure