BBTS 2024 Abstract Submissions NOW CLOSED
Each year the BBTS encourages the submission of original unpublished material for consideration as a poster presentation at the BBTS Annual Conference.
The exchange of knowledge and the communication of the latest developments within blood transfusion is an exciting and stimulating part of our annual conference.
The BBTS Annual Conference will be held in Glasgow, 17th-19th September 2024. There will be enhanced opportunities for submitters of accepted abstracts to share their work with colleagues during the official conference poster session. There is also an opportunity for all poster presenters to submit a PDF of their poster for the conference app to further illustrate their work and key findings.
What is an abstract?
The abstract is a summary of the work that you intend to include in the poster presentation. It enables the BBTS Conference Abstract and Poster Review Committee to determine the relevance and quality of the planned poster presentation. If selected for poster presentation at the BBTS Annual Conference, the abstract also serves to provide information to conference attendees when they are choosing which posters to view.
Guidance on how to write an abstract can be found using the link at the foot of the page.
What is a poster presentation?
This is the presentation of the abstract in the form of a poster which conference participants can view. At this year's conference, posters will be displayed on poster boards within the conference exhibition hall. The lead, or presenting author, needs to attend the conference to ‘present’ their poster and to answer any questions during the specified poster presentation session. A PDF version of the abstract and the poster is also displayed on the conference app which conference participants can view electronically.
Guidance on how to develop and present a poster can be found using the link at the foot of the page.
Why submit an abstract or present a poster?
An abstract, and the subsequent poster presentation, will help to raise the profile of your work and may help to broaden your networks by bringing you into contact with colleagues and experts nationally and internationally.
All accepted posters will be displayed in the conference exhibition hall and reviewed by a team of poster judges. Awards for ‘best poster’ for each category will then be presented.
All accepted abstracts will be published in a supplement of the BBTS Journal of Transfusion Medicine. Transfusion Medicine is one of the world's leading transfusion medicine related journals which is dedicated to the development of all fields of blood transfusion.
All of this can help to improve your CPD portfolio and your career development.
Submitting an abstract could also increase your chance of your employer funding you to attend the conference.
Margaret Kenwright Award
The Margaret Kenwright Award is open to UK individuals under 40 years of age. If you qualify for the Margaret Kenwright category, when you submit your abstract you can apply for this award.
All qualifying abstracts submitted in this category will be judged separately. Up to six successful candidates with the highest scoring abstracts will be selected to present their work orally at the BBTS Annual Conference. You must be prepared to deliver this oral lecture yourself.
Successful candidates will receive complimentary registration to the BBTS Annual Conference 2024.
Presenting Author Registration at the BBTS Annual Conference 2024
The presenting author from each accepted abstract must, as a minimum, register and attend the BBTS Annual Conference 2024 on Wednesday 18th September (programme includes the official poster viewing session). Successful presenting authors will receive a 50% discount on the cost of Wednesday's day delegate rate (N.B. this discount applies to the presenting author only and not to any contributing authors).
Successful presenting authors are also entitled to the conference early bird registration rate up until, 26th July 2024. You will be provided with a link to register at this rate in your acceptance email. Registrations made after this date will incur the regular conference fees.
You do not need to register for the conference prior to submitting your abstract. However, you must register and pay your conference registration fee by 26th July 2024. Failure to register for the conference will result in your abstract being removed from publication.
Winners of the Margaret Kenwright award must attend on the day of their oral presentations.
Margaret Kenwright awardees will receive complimentary registration.
31st of May 2024 at 23.59 BST. | Deadline for abstract submission |
8th July 2024 | Notification of abstract review outcome (abstract accepted or rejected) |
26th July 2024 | Deadline for accepted lead authors to register for the conference |
19th August 2024 | Deadline for PDF poster submissions |
(Please note: any posters received after the deadline date may not be displayed at the BBTS Annual Conference 2024).
BBTS Annual Conference 2024
Abstract Submission and Selection Processes
Please note: You should only submit an abstract if you are willing and able to attend the BBTS Annual Conference on Wednesday 18th September 2024. If your abstract is accepted you must register for the conference by 26th July 2024. Failure to register for the conference will result in your abstract being removed from publication. Successful authors will receive a 50% discount on the cost of Wednesday's day delegate rate, and are also entitled to the conference early bird registration rate up until the 26th July 2024.
All abstract submissions must be made through the BBTS online submission portal..
Authors are invited to create an account and submit an abstract for review according to the instructions, terms and conditions set out below.
Please note that you will not be able to log-in using details from previous BBTS Conference submissions.
It is ESSENTIAL that you read and understand the instructions, terms, and conditions below before submitting an abstract.
Should you require any assistance or have a query about online submission, contact
Abstract submission instructions, terms, and conditions:
- The abstract submission system is now open.
- The abstract submission closure date is 31st May 2024 at 23.59 BST. Abstracts received after this date will not be considered.
- Abstract submissions must be made through the BBTS abstracts ( online submission portal.
- Abstracts must be original and must not have been previously published at a large scientific meeting, with the exception of the Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) Annual Symposium. If your abstract has been published elsewhere, other than SHOT, please let us know before your submission. You may still be able to submit, but the abstract may not be published in Transfusion Medicine.
- Abstracts may only be submitted to BBTS once. The same abstract shouldn’t be submitted by more than one lead author. If an abstract is rejected it must only be resubmitted on agreement by BBTS.
- The submitting author will need to create an online submission portal account. The same account information will be used when you register for the conference. Please keep the email and password used to create the account safe for future use. Do not create a new account.
- The abstract should clearly indicate any potential conflicts of interest.
- When you submit the abstract, you will need the following information:
- Abstract title and text;
- Name, affiliation and job title of the presenting author (this person will act as the main contact for this abstract; this person must be listed as the first author);
- Name, affiliation and job title of all co-authors.
- You will need to assign your abstract to a category. The categories for the BBTS Annual Conference 2024 are:
- 01. Blood Donation (including donor safety)
This category is to include interventions which have been shown to improve donor care and blood donation. - 02. Components, Donation Testing and Safety, Tissues, Cells and Cellular Therapies
This category should include: - New or improvements in blood components
- New or improved testing and safety aspects of blood donations.
- Work involving tissues, organs, gene therapies and immunotherapies.
- 03. Diagnostic Science and Technology
This is a predominantly science-based category. The category, for example, should include the development or usage of new tests, identification of new / unusual or interesting antibodies and new technological developments. - 04. Education and Training
Where the introduction, or alteration, of an education / learning programme has shown to improve knowledge and / or skills or where training has shown to impact on patient outcome. This category can include examples of education / training good practice and case studies. - 05. Patient Blood Management (PBM)
Where an intervention, change in practice has led to better PBM, examples of good practice and case studies relating to PBM may be included in this category. - 06. Quality, Regulation and Governance (including patient safety)
This category should include abstracts where an intervention has been shown to improve the quality of the output, or interventions that improve regulatory / governance aspects of work, for example laboratory-based self-inspection and audit (please note where the intervention is purely educational based, abstracts should be submitted in the Education category).
- Please consider carefully the most appropriate category for your abstract. This will not only help readers locate your abstract but will also mean that your poster is judged in the correct category. The abstract committee reserves the right to move abstracts to a different category if deemed appropriate.
- All abstracts should be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication.
- The abstract title should be limited to a maximum of 30 words.
- The abstract maximum word count is 350 words excluding the title, references, authors and affiliations. Please do not place your name, location details in the 350 word section as this affects the configuration of the documents.
- All accepted abstracts (including all author names and affiliations) will be published in a supplement of the BBTS Journal of Transfusion Medicine. The abstract and poster will also be published on the BBTS conference app. Authors must ensure that there are no copyright issues (text or image).
- Winning posters will be announced at the BBTS Annual Conference 2024 poster session on Wednesday 18th September, with the poster and abstract being shown as part of the conference programme.
- The submitting author must have agreement from all other named authors.
- The submitting author is required to be the corresponding author for the abstract. It is the responsibility of the submitting author to communicate with any other co-authors and ensure that appropriate/required conference registrations are completed.
- You can save your abstract as a draft and return to edit it as often as necessary. However, once you have pressed the 'submit' button you will no longer have the ability to amend your abstract.
Please note that if you do wish to make any alterations after completing submission please contact will endeavour to accommodate these changes, but cannot guarantee this..
- When you have completed your abstract and pressed the submit button you will receive an automated email confirming your submission. If you do not receive a confirmation email within 24-hours of submission, please log back into the portal and check that your abstract is not still in draft and that it has been fully submitted. If there are any problems or concerns you should contact the conference organisers as soon as possible by e-mail at
- The submitting author must have agreement from all other named authors.
- The submitting author is required to be the corresponding author for the abstract. It is the responsibility of the submitting author to communicate with any other co-authors and ensure that appropriate/required conference registrations
You can save your abstract as a draft and return to edit it as often as necessary. However, once you have pressed the 'submit' button you will no longer have the ability to amend your abstract. Please note that if you do wish to make any alterations after completing your submission, please contact will endeavour to accommodate these changes but cannot guarantee this.
When you have completed your abstract and pressed the submit button you will receive an automated email confirming your submission. If you do not receive a confirmation email within 24-hours of submission, please log back into the portal and check that your abstract is not still in draft and that it has been fully submitted. If there are any problems or concerns, you should contact the conference organisers as soon as possible by e-mail at
- You will be informed of the outcome of the abstract review by 8th July 2024. The outcome will either be that the abstract has been accepted or rejected.
- The BBTS Annual Conference 2024 planning committee reserve the right to approach submitting authors to request an oral presentation as part of the conference programme. Submitting authors reserve the right to refuse this without affecting their poster presentation.
- The presenting author from each accepted abstract must, as a minimum, register and attend the BBTS Annual Conference 2024 on Wednesday 18th September (programme includes the official poster viewing session). Successful presenting authors will receive a 50% discount on the cost of Wednesday's day delegate rate (N.B. This discount applies to the presenting author only and not to any contributing authors).
Successful presenting authors are also entitled to the conference early bird registration rate up until the 26th July 2024 .You will be provided with a link to register at this rate in your acceptance email. Registrations made after this date will incur the regular conference fees.
- You do not need to register for the conference prior to submitting your abstract. However, you must register and pay your conference registration fee by 26th July 2024. Failure to register for the conference will result in your abstract being removed from publication
- Margaret Kenwright awardees will receive complimentary conference registration and must attend on the day of their oral presentations.
- If you need to withdraw your abstract, or change the details of the lead presenter, written notice must be submitted to by 26th July 2024. Only authors can request the withdrawal of an abstract.
Margaret Kenwright Award
The Margaret Kenwright Award is open to UK individuals under 40 years of age. If you qualify for the Margaret Kenwright category, when you submit your abstract you can apply for this award.
Up to six successful candidates with the highest scoring abstracts will be selected to present their work at the BBTS Annual Conference.
You must be prepared to deliver this oral lecture yourself.
Successful candidates will receive complimentary registration to the Annual Conference. More details for how to register will be shared with all winners.
All abstracts will go through a peer-review carried out by reviewers selected by the BBTS Conference Abstract and Poster Committee. Final acceptance or rejection decisions will be at the discretion of the BBTS Conference Abstract and Poster Committee.
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the submitting author on or before 8th July 2024. It is the responsibility of the submitting author to inform any other co-authors.
If accepted, the presenting author is required to accept the offer and register for the conference by 26th July (minimum attendance on Wednesday 18th September 2024).
If a presenter fails to accept the offer, or fails to register for the conference, the abstract will be removed from the conference and all related publications.
All accepted and correctly submitted posters will automatically be included in the BBTS Annual Conference 2024 poster competition.
One poster from each abstract category will be awarded ‘best poster’.
For further information about poster judging criteria, please see below guidance on how to develop and present a poster and poster judging criteria.
Winning posters will be announced at the BBTS Annual Conference 2024 Poster Session on Wednesday 18th September, with the poster and abstract being shown as part of the conference programme.