What We Do

Submit an Article

Are you considering submitting an article for publication in the quarterly British Blood Transfusion Society magazine, Bloodlines?

Bloodlines contains articles covering a wide range of topics and disciplines within transfusion science.  The articles are written by the communications committee and by also by our contributors from across the world. We would love you to contribute too!

Bloodlines welcomes articles relating to blood transfusion from both members and non-members of the British Blood Transfusion Society(BBTS). Tell us what you’re up to, what you’ve been working on, what events you have attended. If you have something interesting to write about, we want to hear it.

Simply email bbts@bbts.org.uk with your idea or completed article and our team will pass it over to the Bloodlines Editor for consideration. 

All articles published need to be linked to transfusion medicine in some way. 


Before submitting an article for review, please consider the following points;

Bloodlines has a magazine style format therefore articles should be clearly written to be easily understood by a broad audience. 

Articles should be around 800 - 1000 words in length. Keep the content clear, concise and engaging. Don’t use 10 words when 5 will do.

Although a certain acronym may be used hundreds of times a day by you and your colleagues, to other members it may be a jumble of letters. Please ensure you write out the full title accompanied by the acronym in brackets the first time you use it in the article.

Where possible, submitted articles should include one or more high quality images relevant to the topic with copyright permission. 

Article Layout

Title: Approximately 5-10 words. Should be catchy to grab the reader's attention.

Subheading: 2-3 sentences. Should introduce the topic and give an insight into the subject of the article. 

Main article: Clear paragraph structure with flow between paragraphs. Articulate and grammatically correct sentences.

Footer: Include your name, job title and place of work.


Articles should be submitted as a Word file (.doc or .docx). Any images included in the article should be submitted as separate, appropriately named .jpeg files (photos / charts etc). Embedded images will not be used and footnotes will not be published. Submitted articles should not contain any personal identifiable data, or information which may breach local or national GDPR and data protection policies.


All articles are subject to editorial approval. The editor reserves the right to not publish articles and to edit articles without obtaining permission from the author. If you wish to review edited copy you must indicate this when you submit your article.

For further guidance on tone and style please refer to the articles published in past editions or contact us at bbts@bbts.org.uk.

Submitting an article for Bloodlines can help you with your CPD portfolio and looks great on your CV.