What We Offer
ISBT Affiliation
All BBTS members can now access a selection of quality education resources from ISBT.
BBTS Post Nominals
BBTS has introduced 3 tiers of post nominal letters that paying members can use as sign of their commitment and pride in their profession.
Learning & Qualifications
BBTS offers:
- Specialist Certificate in Transfusion Science Practice
- Specialist Certificate in Clinical Transfusion Practice (currently in review period)
- Specialist Certificate in Stem Cell Transplantation Science
Text Books
The BBTS offers two text books: Introduction to Transfusion Science Practice (6th Edition) and Introduction to Stem Cell Transplantation Science (2nd Edition).
Transfusion Medicine
One of the world's leading transfusion medicine related journals, publishing high-quality scientific research.
Quarterly member magazine packed with informative articles and member news.
Annual Conference
The leading transfusion conference in the UK.
A dedicated transfusion professional's CPD scheme and online tool for recording and submitting CPD activities.
Recognising those making a significant contribution to the field of blood transfusion and the Society.
Three highly coveted opportunities receive funding towards the cost of attending the BBTS Annual Conference.
Special Interest Groups
Providing a forum for members with a common interest in a specific area of transfusion.
Unfortunately, we cannot provide any information to patients or blood donors. If you would like to know when, where, or how to donate please visit www.blood.co.uk
Why We Are Here
The benefits of BBTS membership go far beyond the individual member benefits listed above. Our mission statement is "to play a leading role in safe and effective transfusion practice by delivering high quality education and training, setting standards and promoting research and development and innovation." But why do we strive for this?
Transfusion saves lives. Good practice and research in transfusion saves lives. BBTS aims to support and advance a profession that saves lives. Our aim is to unify all transfusion professionals, to help to sustain and develop the profession. This means trying to solve problems facing transfusion now and in the future, in order to benefit everyone in this country and beyond.
BBTS members and potential members may consider the subscription fee in terms of the solid or tangible things they receive as a member. They might consider the monetary value of those things, and weigh it up against the subscription fee.
But there is so much more to BBTS than these things. The BBTS represents the transfusion community on a multitude of bodies concerned with medicine and medical training. We have representatives on over a dozen bodies that impact on the medical profession, including the National School of Healthcare Science, the British Committee on Standards in Haematology, and the MHRA Blood Consultative Committee. BBTS advocates for you and your profession. If we speak with the collective voice of hundreds rather than a few individuals, then our voice and our message is stronger and more likely to be heard.
Without the support of our members, we couldn’t run a world-class scientific and clinical meeting every year at our Annual Conference. Our members are essential in organising this event, setting the scientific programme, using their contacts to find speakers, and so on. Even if you have never been able to attend our Annual Conference, chances are that a colleague has, and they’ve been able to feed back to your workplace. Perhaps they have implemented a new system that they learned about at the conference, or a session may have inspired them to research a subject that has improved the practice in your workplace.
Without the intellectual and financial input of our members, BBTS would not have education programmes that help to make those working in blood transfusion more knowledgeable and better at their job. The re-launch of the BBTS Specialist Certificate in Transfusion Science Practice, accredited by the University of Manchester, is another example of how we are reaching out to other organisations and bodies to create a strong network to support the profession.
Whilst BBTS seeks to unite transfusion professionals, we also understand that there are many distinct areas of interest within transfusion, so we have Special Interest Groups (SIGs). The SIGs cover every major area of interest in the transfusion world, and can be a great way to connect with members who have the same interests as you. They also contribute to the content of the Annual Conference. So if you’ve attended an event and thought “I wish they’d covered such and such a topic”, joining a SIG is a way to contribute and influence. This is another of the ways the BBTS tries to give you a voice, to change that “I wish...” to an “I will…” or an “I can…”.
When you join the BBTS, or renew your membership, we hope that you do so in the knowledge that you are not simply buying products from BBTS. You are supporting yourself, your colleagues and your profession. You are part of something that is growing and developing all the time.