Who We Work With
The BBTS works hard on your behalf to support and advance blood transfusion as a profession, and to create a strong transfusion community. We do this through formal affiliations and representation on a number of organisations and steering groups, both in the UK and worldwide.
Affiliations & Partnerships
International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT)
Australian & New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion (ANZSBT)
Network for the Advancement of Patient Blood Management, Haemostasis and Thrombosis (NATA)
The BBTS also works with the UK Forum and we are grateful for their continued support of our mission statement.
Association for Clinical Scientists
Academy of Healthcare Scientists (AHCS)
Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board (JRCPTB)
National School of Healthcare Science (NSHCS)
Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT)
International Society for Blood Transfusion (ISBT)
British Society for Haematology (BSH) - Transfusion Task Force BSCH
National Occupational Standards (NOS) - Healthcare Science
National Quality Assurance Advisory Panel (NQAAP) for Haematology
Federation for Healthcare Science
The Chief Medical Officer's National Blood Transfusion Committee (NBTC)
MHRA Blood Consultative Committee
National Comparative Audit of Blood Transfusion
UK Transfusion Laboratory Collaborative (UK TLC)
RCPath Standing Committee on Clinical Science
British Standards Institute (BSI) CH/212 Committee - responsible for standardization in the field of in vitro diagnostics (IVDs).
Pathology Alliance - RCPath
Transfusion Medicine Sub-Committee of the Intercollegiate Committee on Haematology (Administered by RCPath)
British Society of Gastroenterology (Guideline on Lower GI Bleeding)RCPath - Exam Board
RCPath - Scientific Advisory Committee
JRCPTB Haematology SAC
Intercollegiate Committee on Haematology - RCPath
Institute of Biomedical Science - SAP