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BBTS: Strategic Plan 2020 - 2025
- To remain a viable society ensuring that we retain those members who have joined for examination purposes, maintain and grow our membership from all work groups involved in the transfusion process.
- Review membership structure and fees with the aim of retaining current membership and attracting new members.
- Explore the feasibility of a new membership class for non qualified workers involved in transfusion and those entering the profession.
- Explore ways that the BBTS can enhance the membership experience.
- To remain financially viable and secure.
- To appoint a new Treasurer for 2021-2024.
- To review membership fees and manage our educational and conference financial resources.
- Ensure that any new changes or projects have a sound business footing.
- Review costs within all aspects of BBTS, exploring potential efficiency savings, removing or reducing non essential costs and exploring other potential funding streams.
Communications & BBTS Website
- For the BBTS to embrace both current and future communication systems including Social Media in order to ensure BBTS is able to reach a wider audience and enhance the membership experience.
- Ensure timely launch of new BBTS website in 2024.
- Undertake an annual review (including a gap analysis) of the website content and formatting to ensure that all information remains relevant, up to date and easily accessible to members.
- Explore how the Transfusion Medicine journal content can be further enhanced to ensure relevance to our target membership, providing wide multi-disciplinary cross professional interest.
- Explore and develop new communication mechanisms utilising IT and other social media to help ensure a wider professional reach.
- Ensure that IT systems are being used to their maximum in order to both inform membership and enhance their BBTS experience.
Education, Professional Support & Development
- Education has always been at the heart of BBTS. We need to be seen as being at the forefront of transfusion related educational courses, giving professional support and development in the UK, Europe and Worldwide.
- Continually review current educational offerings and support to ensure that content continues to be appropriate for the target audience of each course.
- Establish a regular educational event targeted at medical staff who require up-to-date blood transfusion knowledge to transact their roles. Consider a joint event with the BSH education committee and / or the RCPath TM SAC.
- Explore the possibility of providing educational resources for non qualified staff. This should include appropriate CPD offerings dependant on the job titles supported e.g Lab assistants, porters, nursing auxillaries etc.
- Develop new guidance resources including collaboration with other guideline writing groups e.g. BSH.
- Review and manage the process for the management of external consultation queries, committees and groups ensure appropriate representation, feedback and communications channels.
- Review the membership of the ACC committee to ensure appropriate involvement and representation.
- Establish & implement a timetable of events to ensure the timely delivery of the Annual Conference.
BBTS Working Groups & Council
- To ensure that BBTS has both a vibrant and innovative structure to support current and future professional activities within a compliant governance system.
- Review the structure, remit and functionality of all BBTS working groups including the Council, EWG, PEC, ACC, Comms, D & I, and SIG's to ensure efficiency, relevance and long term sustainability.
- Explore ways of encouraging younger members to play a fuller part in the activities of the BBTS.
- As BBTS sets more ambitious targets for the benefit of its members, the organisation's activities will inevitably become more complex. Strategic planning and operational efficiency are vital to ensure the successful implementation of these goals.
- Maintain a live, rolling and detailed 5 year strategic plan.
- Within the 5 year plan ensure there is a rolling 1-2 year detailed business plan.
- Set milestones and personal objectives in line with our goals and plans.
- Appoint Vice President as required.