
Spotlight on Platelets 

Joint meeting from BBTS & BSH | Wednesday 11th November 
Birmingham Motorcycle Museum

*Registration Closed*

Learning Objective

To throw light on a variety of specific questions about the use of platelet transfusion in medical & surgical practice, particularly in areas of controversy or little evidence.


This page will be updated when new presentations are received.  Please check regularly for updates.

PAS or Plasma - Dr Pieter van der Meer

What Storage Deviations are Acceptable - Stephen Thomas

UK Prospective Trial of HLA Epitope Matched Platelet Transfusions for Alloimmunised Patients - Prof Judith Marsh

Are Platelets Necessary in Box 1 of a Major Haemorrhage Pack in trauma cases - Dr Nicola Curry

Are intracranial bleeds caused by low platelets or prevented by platelet transfusion?

Do Platelet Ttransfusions Reduce Neurosurgical Traumatic Bleeding in Patients on Anti-platelet Agents.pdf


BBTS encourages the submission of original material for consideration as a poster presentation at the Spotlight on Platelets scientific meeting.  The aim of the abstract should be to share research, knowledge and best practice in platelet related subjects.  

Abstract should be no more than 300 words (excluding title and author(s)) and, if accepted, will be displayed as a poster at the meeting and in the subsequent issue of Transfusion Medicine.

To submit your abstract for consideration please email  The deadline for submissions is 5th October 2015.

Please Note: Submitters must state if they are planning to, or have already, submitted to another conference.  If so the abstract will appear in the conference programme but will not be published in Transfusion Medicine.

Any potential conflict of interest must be indicated upon submission.


If you are attending NEQAS on the previous day, or planning to arrive the night before the meeting, why not join us for a special informal dinner hosted by BBTS at Windmill Village Hotel.  Tickets cost just £25.00 + VAT and can be booked during registration.


The following is a list of hotels closest to the venue.  Delegates must arrange their own travel and accommodation for the event. 

Best Western Plus Windmill Village Hotel, Golf Club & Spa

Manor Hotel Meriden

Did You Know?

The NEQAS and Blood Bank Technology SIG scientific meeting is taking place on the previous day at the very same venue.  

The meeting is entitled The Uncertainty of it All and offers a great opportunity to attend two exciting meetings back to back.  For more information please visit the Uncertainty of it All event page.

Event Name:
Spotlight on Platelets
Wednesday 11th November 
Who's It For:
Blood Service Personnel, Transfusion Laboratory Managers & Biomedical Scientists, Transfusion Practitioners, Clinical Haematologists, Surgeons & Anaesthetists

Event Sponsors



Terumo BCT Europe      




CSL Behring

Contronics Ltd 

If you would like to book a stand please contact David Noble, Executive Director on