
Mental Health: Supporting NHS Workforce Resilience Conference & Exhibition

Tuesday 17th March / The Bridgewater Hall, Manchester

From Open Forum Events

Event description (from the Open Forum Events website)

Looking after the mental health and wellbeing of staff is paramount in delivering benefits to NHS organisations and ultimately the patients in their care. Join us in March 2020 to discuss and learn more about the NHS’ forward plan to support the resiliency of the workforce.


Review delivery of recommendations from the workforce implementation plan, the Health and Care Workforce Strategy for England to 2027 and the HEE Mental Wellbeing report; with the opportunity to discuss further contributions from reports amongst peers, policy makers and NHS staff.

Engagement with interactive diagnostic tools such as the NHSWorkforce Health and Wellbeing Framework.

Understanding of the research and ethos that has informed the NHS’ new initiatives to safeguarding staff mental health and in doing so,improving patient safety.

A look at the importance of staff mental health and wellbeing in the NHS Long Term Plan.

Opportunities to network, knowledge-share and engage with peers and keynote speakers on preventative approaches to the mental health and wellbeing of NHS staff.

Learn how to identify and anticipate potential MH issues as well as promoting – and leading – team dialogues around stress, anxiety and depression.

Assess organisations against new frameworks designed to identify room for improvement and recommend appropriate action.

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