BBTS Annual Conference Glasgow 2011
BBTS Annual Conference Glasgow 2011
07 September 2011
10 September 2011
SECC, Glasgow, Scotland
BBTS Annual Conference Glasgow 2011
The BBTS Annual Conference is aimed at anyone with a professional interest in the practice of blood transfusion and related medical therapies, from donor recruitment to the clinical and scientific care of recipients.
Anaesthetists and Intensivists... the special focus on clinical transfusion trials and practice will, we hope, be of particular interest to you.
Day delegate rates start from as little as £40!
Highlights of the 2011 Annual Conference will include:
• XMRV: the inside story
• Results from the Focus trial on transfusion thresholds after hip fracture surgery
• The CRASH2 trial with new information on tranexamic acid and obstetric haemorrhage
• Updates from the Canadian TRIPICU (paediatric transfusion) trial and the ABLE trial on age of blood
In addition we have top speakers on platelet transfusion, carbohydrate red cell antigens and the very latest on fetal D typing, and a new session for this year will focus on clinical transfusion case studies.
Special Interest Group (SIG) sessions
These will feature for a full day on Wednesday 7th and a half day on Saturday 10th. See the programme for full details.
There will also be the regular favourites such as award lectures, serological case studies, a nursing / transfusion practitioner symposium, oral presentations of submitted works, further education sessions, and the chance to network with colleagues from across the country.