What We Do

Hospital Transfusion


The SIG is temporarily offline pending a relaunch in the near future. 

The HoT SIG promotes a multidisciplinary approach to Patient Blood Management, the safe and appropriate use of blood and the appropriate use of alternatives to transfusion. We never forget that through teamwork between the transfusion laboratory, haematologists, transfusion practitioners and clinicians we can work towards ensuring the patient is always at the centre of everything we do.

Through educational events held annually, we aim to encourage all staff involved and interested in blood transfusion to come and learn and debate the current HoT topics in transfusion. If you have got a HoT topic you think should be given the spotlight then let us know.

HoT Topic - PBM Toolkit now live

On behalf of the NBTC we are delighted to announce that the PBM toolkit is now live on the Hospitals and Science website, PBM Education pages.

This is a new PBM resource, aimed at supporting clinicians and practitioners to implement and embed PBM initiatives in clinical practice, promote appropriate use, optimise patient safety, and protect the supply of components. This resource has been developed in collaboration with the wider PBM team, clinical specialists, and NHSBT and NBTC colleagues. 

Launch PBM Toolkit

History of committee

The Hospital Based Transfusion Practice SIG was convened after the BBTS AGM of 1999 and held its inaugural meeting in April 2000. In 2006 we were joined by the Autologous Transfusion SIG (AT-SIG) members and in 2007 by the transfusion practitioner group, originally known as the SPOT group.

In 2007 we renamed the group HoT SIG - “Hospital Transfusion SIG”- but admit to having a wider sphere than simply hospital transfusion practice.

Committee Members

The Chair role is currently vacant

Julie Staves

John Faulds

Sarah Beuschel

Julie Johnson  julie.johnson@rbch.nhs.uk

If you are interested in joining a SIG please email us at: 
