Blood Bank Technology Special Interest Group
Day: Wednesday | Time: 10:30 - 12:00 | Room: 2
Available Presentations
How aggressive can passive ABO antibodies be?
Clare Milkins
Good, bad or just indifferent - BioRad
Tracey Tomlinson
Observations for UK NEQAS
Jenny White
Julie Staves
Ruth Smith
Biovue / Ortho
Yvonne Scott
Passenger lymphocyte syndrome causing persistent immunemediated haemolytic anaemia in a liver transplant recipient
Mike Northend
Unexpected clinical problems with 'non clinically significant' antibodies
Martin Maley
Session Coordinator: Steve Tucker
Claire Whitham
Julie Staves
Transfusion Laboratory Manager, John Radcliffe Hospital
Ruth Smith
Tracey Tomlinson
Head of the Red Cell Immunohaematology Laboratory, Colindale
Yvonne Scott
Transfusion Manager, Freeman Hospital
Clare Milkins
Martin Maley
Reference Laboratory Manager, NHBST
Jenny White
Intended Audience:
Workers with an interest in blood bank technology and laboratory practice
Learning Objectives:
- Opportunity to discuss current technologies and inform choices
- To highlight complex serology cases that have resulted in SHOT reports
- Shared learning
Brief Description:
Sessions Include:
Blood Bank Technology – “Good, Bad or just different?”
Observations from UK NEQAS data
Jenny White
Presentations from users for the following technologies reviewing the performance of each with respect to the above:
Biovue/Ortho - Yvonne Scott
Biorad - Tracey Tomlinson
Griffols - Ruth Smith
Immucor/Capture - Julie Staves
'Antibodies - Passive/aggressive?'
How aggressive can passive ABO antibodies be?
Clare Milkins
Persistence of passenger lymphocytes in post solid organ transplant patients
Unexpected clinical problems with 'non clinically significant' antibodies
Martin Maley