Transfusion Practitioner's Breakfast
Day: Thursday | Time: 08:00 - 09:00 | Room: 2
Session Coordinator: Rachel Moss
Guests: TBC
Intended Audience:
The BBTS Annual Conference is an excellent opportunity for all those working in a Transfusion Practitioner role to meet up, network and discuss common interests within the field of transfusion. However unless you know someone personally or through a colleague, it is sometimes difficult to find a way to begin a conversation with a person you have never met before, or you may not know who else is working on similar transfusion projects.
This TP breakfast meeting will allow those who attend to meet, make a contact and find common interests. Even if you don’t have any common interests, you have met a new transfusion colleague and made a link for the future, or just someone to say hello to later in the conference if you bump into them.
Learning Objectives:
Attendees should hope to find at least one transfusion colleague with a similar interest to themselves and carry on the connection after the BBTS Annual Conference.
All those that attend meet a new transfusion colleague to carry on chatting to after the session is over and during the rest of the conference.
Develop a comprehensive contact list of transfusion colleagues for future advice and information after the BBTS Annual Conference is over.
Brief Description:
An opportunity for Transfusion Practitioners and other transfusion colleagues attending the BBTS Annual Conference to meet, make a contact and find common interests with others working in transfusion. Like speed dating there will be short time for each encounter before moving on to chat to the next person.
When you register to attend the breakfast you will be asked to put down your top 3 transfusion topics to discuss with colleagues. Perhaps setting up an anaemia clinic, managing an anti-D supplier, establishing an e-learning programme or implementing NICE guidance is what you are interested in or any other transfusion related topics.
When you first meet you will look for any common topics and then these can be discussed and contact details exchanged for further communication after the conference. Even if there are no common topics, you can chat about your role, your experiences and you have made a new BBTS transfusion contact. Every encounter broadens the network of those working in transfusion with colleagues across the UK.
Each “meet” will last 10 minutes before the bell rings to move on.
Each Delegate will have a sheet of stickers with their name and email to give out when they have the encounter.
Each Delegate will be given a Transfusion Practitioner Speed Dating sheet to put on the contact detail stickers and make notes about the transfusion topics discussed.
This is then taken away and becomes the contact sheet for future encounters.
Session Tags: