Quality in Blood Transfusion
Day: Friday | Time: 09:00 - 10:30 | Room: 4
Available Presentations
An Introduction to Quality Management Systems
Julie Staves
The 'Cold Chain'
Angela Green
Incident Investigation
Joan Jones
Session Coordinators: Joan Jones and Robina Qureshi
Speakers: Julie Staves (Transfusion Laboratory Manager, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust), Angela Green (Blood Transfusion Coordinator and Quality Lead for Haematology and Blood Transfusion), Joan Jones (Head of QA & Regulatory Compliance, Welsh
Intended Audience & Learning Objectives:
All sessions are aimed at attendees wishing to expand, or refresh, their knowledge on the basics of each topic heading. For example you may be a student, trainee, just starting as a qualified practitioner, or are simply looking to find out more about a specialism different to your own.
Each session consists of three thirty minute slots with audience interaction (including question and answer time)
Brief Description:
Sessions include:
An Introduction to Quality Management Systems - Julie Staves
Note that this slot also includes a short piece on Quality experiences in transfusion practice from a ‘young person’s’ perspective.
By the end of this session you will be able to outline, explain and discuss the basics of QMS in a transfusion laboratory setting.
The 'Cold Chain' - Angela Green
By the end of this session you will be able to outline, explain and discuss the importance of cold chain logistics.
Incident Investigation - Joan Jones
By the end of this session you will have explored and investigated some real examples of quality incidents. You will come away with tips and procedures to help you in your own discipline.
Session Tags: