Plenary I
Day: Wednesday | Time: 17:00 - 18:30 | Room: Lecture Hall
Available Presentations
The 100 000 Genomes Project – Relevant for Transfusion Experts?
Willem Ouwehand
The Generation of Red Cells from Stem Cells
David Anstee
Red Blood Cell Transfusion: Precision vs Imprecision Medicine
Dr Harvey Klein
Session Coordinators: Kate Pendry, Jonathan Wallis (Chair)
Professor Willem H. Ouwehand
University of Cambridge
Professor David Anstee
Dr Harvey Klein
Department of Transfusion Medicine, National Institutes of Health
Intended Audience:
Biomedical Scientists and trainees working in hospital transfusion departments, UK Blood Services, and associated services.
Research scientists involved in basic research work.
Clinicians who prescribe blood components in haematology, surgery, intensive care, obstetrics and trauma settings.
Transfusion practitioners.Learning Objectives:
Understand more about the 100,000 genome project and links to haematology / transfusion
Learn about the progress of development of red cells from stem cells
Learn about the use of genotyping in transfusion medicine
Brief Description:
Sessions include:
The 100 000 Genomes Project – Relevant for Transfusion Experts?
Willem Ouwehand
The Generation of Red Cells from Stem Cells
David Anstee
Red Blood Cell Transfusion: Precision vs Imprecision Medicine
Dr Harvey Klein