What We Do

Margaret Kenwright Award

Abstract Submissions and applications open 14.3.24 until 31.5.24 all successful applicants will be advised on or shortly after 8.7.24

A parallel scientific session dedicated to young scientists and clinicians will be included in the BBTS 2024 programme. 

If you would like your abstract to be considered for oral presentation in the Margaret Kenwright award session you must submit an abstract and select the appropriate option in the abstract submission system.

The Margaret Kenwright Award is open to UK individuals under 40 with the highest scoring abstract in their chosen category. 

Up to six awardees will have the opportunity to present a summary of their research work to a group of their peers during the Margaret Kenwright Awards session taking place on Wednesday 18th September 2024 at the BBTS annual conference.

Successful candidates will receive complimentary registration to the Annual Conference, an engraved BBTS award and certificate.

If you are a newly qualified BMS, PhD student or MSc student, BBTS invites you to submit your abstract under your specialty topic, indicating your interest in this specific oral category by selecting 'Margaret Kenwright Award' option on the abstract submission system. 

You must be prepared to deliver this oral lecture yourself.  Your abstract will be published in the BBTS Annual Conference supplement for Transfusion Medicine