TP Symposium

Support for TP’s: What is out there?

Day: Friday  |   Time: 09:00 - 10:30  |  Room: Queens Suite 2

Session Coordinators: 
Aine McCartney


Structures, support and sharing for UK Transfusion Practitioners
Kathleen Wedgeworth, Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust

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Training Framework and Competencies for Transfusion Practitioners
Andrew Miller, King’s Health Partners Haematology Institute and Network

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Pre-transfusion sampling: a quality improvement project
Samantha McWilliam and Ann Patterson, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Presentation Unavailable

Intended Audience
Transfusion, Haemovigilance, and Patient Blood Management Practitioners, and other staff interested in transfusion management, education and general PBM.

Learning Objectives
Resources for sharing best practice and support there are/will be available for UK TPs; Update on plans for a training and competency framework for TPs; How TPs react and manage changes 

Brief Description
This symposium convened by the BBTS TP group will show some of what is currently out there, and is in planning for the future, for TPs and other staff in a similar role, for support, resource sharing and for TP training and competency across local/regional and national levels

Session Tags
Quality Improvement