Permitted Use of BBTS Post Nominals
As a recipient of the BBTS Postnominals, members are required to adhere to the following:
You may use the Post Nominal letters in a professional capacity
We encourage members to display their Post Nominal letters on all professional correspondence and stationery. e.g. business cards, letterhead, email signature etc.
Post nominal letters should not be used on social media accounts unless the account is used exclusively for professional purposes.
When using the Post Nominal letters please do not write or share anything that is: Defamatory, libellous, indecent, malicious, discriminatory, illegal, incites hatred or could damage the reputation of the Society. Please refer to Section 5 of the BBTS Membership Terms and Conditions.
Statement from BBTS
Post Nominals demonstrate an individual's involvement with BBTS, and they do not indicate that BBTS endorses or supports the views of that individual.