Red Cell Serology

Red Cell Special Interest Group - 2 of 3

Day: Wednesday  |   Time: 13:15 - 14:45  |  Room:  Auditorium

Session Coordinators: 
Lesley Bruce & Vanja Crew


Molecular bases behind the Xg(a−) phenotype: from disruption of GATA1-regulated transcription to gene deletion
Jill Storry, Lund University, Sweden

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Is extended red cell antigen matching of blood donors and recipients a practical reality?
Geoff Poole, Welsh Blood Service & GKAIT Ltd

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Red Cell Variants in Haemoglobinopathies - who gets them and do they matter?
Sara Trompeter, University College London NHS Foundation Trust

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Brief Description
The second session of this year's Red Cell SIG will concentrate on red cell serology, introducing varied subjects, from recently described molecular bases of the Xg(a-) phenotype, to clinical case studies and an overview of extended red cell antigen matching of blood donors and recipients. This session will familiarise participants with current developments and methods used in the field of red cell serology.

Intended Audience
This Red Cell SIG session should be of interest to biomedical scientists and trainees working in hospital transfusion departments; UK Blood Services and associated services; research scientists involved in red cell and/or basic research work; clinicians who prescribe blood components in haematology, surgery, intensive care, obstetrics and trauma settings; transfusion practitioners; anyone in the wider scientific community who is interested in the current red cell research carried out in the UK.

Learning Objectives

1) Learning about the novel research leading to the description of the molecular bases of the rare Xg(a-) phenotype

2) Familiarisation with the extended red cell antigen matching of blood donors and recipients and the debate about its practicality

3) Learning about the red cell serology through clinical case studies.

Session Tags
Improving Patient Outcomes
Diagnostics, Science & Technology