Quality Improvement

Day: Thursday  |   Time: 13:45 - 15:15  |  Room: Queens Suite 1

Session Coordinators: 
Brian Robertson


Top 5 SABRE report
Chris Robbie, MHRA

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Top 5 clinical SHOT reports- Root cause and CAPA review
Courtney Spinks, SHOT

Presentation Unavailable

UKTLC: Staff Training
Rashmi Rook, Red Hill University Hospital

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Oral Presentations

Waste not want not – reducing component wastage in a year 
Joanne Hoyle

Acid elution (AE) testing other than for anti-D immunoglobulin (Ig) prophylaxis – when is it done, how is it done, is there demand for a “Diagnostic Kleihauer” (DK) EQA scheme?
Katy Veale

Intended Audience
All those professionals who work within blood transfusion- BMS, Doctors, Transfusion Practitioners, Quality Managers

Brief Description
This session will look at the top 5 incidents reports from the laboratory, the clinical area and review the root causes associated with the incident and what corrective actions have been used. Has the CAPA worked to reduce trending of repeat incidents and can we learn from the findings. Is training a major cause from the incidents and will the UKLab collaborative survey give a review of this?

Learning Objectives
Incident review and learning what is the root cause, what can we learn from appropriate Corrective actions and is there a problem with maintaining training within the laboratory

Session Tags
Quality, Regulation & Governance
Diagnostics, Science & Technology