Plenary 2: Award Lectures

Day: Thursday  |   Time: 10:45 - 12:15  |  Room: Auditorium

Session Coordinators: 
Bill Chaffe


Cultured red cells: from research to GMP.
Dr Nicola Cogan, Race & Sanger Award Presentation

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An Unexpected Journey
Dr Janet Birchall, Mollison Award Presentation

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Blood donors are not all equal: implications for components for transfusion
Dr Rebecca Cardigan, Kenneth Goldsmith Award Presentation

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Immunohematology: old problems, new solutions
Professor Ellen van der Schoot, James Blundell Award Presentation

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Intended Audience
All Delegates

Brief Description
BBTS has a long history of celebrating greatness, and rewarding significant achievements in the field of transfusion, we do this through our annual award scheme. The winners of the James Blundell, Race & Sanger, and Kenneth Goldsmith Awards will take the stage and deliver presentations from their specialisms, an excellent session not to be missed.

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