Future Trends

Plenary 1

Day: Wednesday  |   Time: 17:00 - 18:30  |  Room: Auditorium

Session Coordinators: 
Bill Chaffe & Fiona Regan


CAR-T cells
Dr James Griffin, NHSBT

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Red cells and platelets for transfusion: Is less always best?
Prof Simon Stanworth, NHSBT, Oxford UK

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Pre-hospital massive haemorrhage outcomes
Prof. Erica Wood

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Intended Audience
All involved in transfusion - Laboratory, transfusion practitioner, medical staff and anaesthetic, surgery or other colleagues.

Learning Objectives
Understand how CAR-T cells may change management and potentially transfusion requirements in the haematological setting. Understand new thinking in coagulation aspects of trauma, leading to potentially revised thinking of component requirements. Understand how understanding of genetic mutations may change disease management and potential need for transfusion in future.

Brief Description
Plenary I includes 3 speakers who are renowned experts in their fields nationally and internationally - and will give us a glimpse into what the future holds: from changes to blood components in Trauma management, to the evolving success story of CAR-T cells to change the course of haematological malignancies. Then a fascinating picture of how much our bodies acquire genetic mutations and how these contribute to diseases and how this might be used to combat or prevent them.

Session Tags
Improving Patient Outcomes
Diagnostics, Science & Technology
Cellular Therapies