Current thinking in blood transfusion in paediatrics and neonates

Paediatric Special Interest Group

Day: Wednesday   |   Time: 10:30 - 12:00  |  Room: Queens Suite 2

Session Coordinators: 
Rachel Moss


100000 Genomes Project: How can we apply it to paediatric transfusion?
Professor Willem H. Ouwehand, Cambridge Biomedical Campus

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Managing children with anaemia in critical care 
Dr Sam Ray, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children

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PlaNeT 2 Study - Taking the messages back 
Dr Simon Stanworth, NHSBT Oxford Blood Donor Centre

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Intended Audience
Anyone involved in the transfusion of neonates and children.

Brief Description
The paediatric SIG offers up to date research and current thinking relating to the transfusion of children and neonates. It also offers the chance for discussion and sharing  ideas in this often complex subject

Session Tags
Improving Patient Outcomes