Donors and Blood Donation - making a difference and improving donor experience

Day: Friday  |   Time: 09:00 - 10:30  |  Room: Auditorium

Session Coordinators: 
Shruthi Narayan & Jane Green


How timely transfusions made a difference in our lives?
Kelly Stokes

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Vasovagal reactions in blood donors – how to improve compliance of donors with strategies and improve retention
Prof. Jo Weirsum-Osselton, Sanquin

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Donor selection for recipient safety
Pro. Mindy Goldman, Canadian Blood Services

Presentation Unavailable

Oral Presentations

How NHSBT reversed the decline in the O negative donor base, reduced reliance on new donor recruitment and improved the in - session donor experience
Jonathan Latham

Intended Audience
The programme is aimed at a broad range of professionals interested in Donor health and management and anyone involved in Transfusion Medicine. The programme will cover blood and blood component donors and provides a fantastic opportunity to meet peers and experts in the field and to exchange ideas and strategies. The presentations by eminent speakers, posters and the networking opportunities will all help to increase your knowledge in this field. 

Learning Objectives

1. To learn about vasovagal reactions – a common complication of blood donation and how to improve compliance of donors with all the strategies 

2. To understand the importance of robust donor selection processes and their impact on recipient safety 

3. An opportunity to hear and learn from a carer’s perspective about how timely blood transfusions helps save lives

Brief Description
This session covers a wide range of topics related to donor care and transfusion safety and emphasises the value of timely transfusions

Session Tags
Quality Improvement
Blood Donation & Safety