Patient Blood Management: Levers for change - from theory to reality

Special Interest Group - 1 of 1

Day: Wednesday  |   Time: 13:15 - 14:45  |  Room: Queens Suite 1

Session Coordinators: 
Louise Sherliker & Angela Green


PBM accreditation: Who wants it? Who needs it?

Dr James Uprichard, St George's University Hospital NHS Foundation trust

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Empowering Lab Staff to Improve Appropriate Use of Red Cells in Adults
Jo Shorthouse, NHSBT
Heather Clarke, University Hospitals of Derby & Burton NHS Foundation trust

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A NICE Audit: Time to collaborate on QS138 

Jo Lawrence, Frimley Health NHS Foundation trust
Anwen Davies, NHSBT

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Brief Description
Our goal will always be to improve patient outcomes by advancing evidence-based practice in transfusion however embedding guidelines and recommendations into everyday care remains a challenge. The session will investigate if implementation of PBM accreditation will provide a lever to support the uptake of PBM initiatives. Further presentations will show how collaborative projects have driven successful solutions to improving practice.

Intended Audience
Transfusion Practitioners, Biomedical Scientists, clinical staff, all those involved in quality improvement initiatives in transfusion

Learning Objectives
1. Learn about the pros and cons of accreditation for PBM.  

2. To empower lab staff to question potential inappropriate requests and improve appropriate use of red cells within the Trust – To be achieved by a process of education/interactive workshops with laboratory staff and collaboration with staff in the clinical areas.  

3. The attendee will learn how collaborative working has resulted in the development of a nationally accessible resource that assists hospitals in performing a gap analysis for the NICE Quality Standard QS138

Session Tags
Quality Improvement
Improving Patient Outcomes