BBTS Conference 2016

SHOT Mini Symposium

Day: Thursday  |   Time: 09:00 - 10:30   |  Room: 1

Available Presentations

Janus: Looking both ways 
Paula Bolton-Maggs

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Transplantation and transfusion slip-ups 
Paula Bolton-Maggs

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Information technology, when it is not your friend!
Megan Rowley

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Abstract Oral Presentation:

Immune anti-D detected for the first time in pregnancy: preliminary results of cases reported to SHOT from 2012-2015
Paula Bolton-Maggs

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Multiple laboratory errors resulting in transfusion of incorrect blood components
Hema Mistry

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Session Coordinators: Paula Bolton-Maggs and Alison Watt


Alison Watt
Operations Manager SHOT

Paula Bolton-Maggs
Medical Director SHOT

Megan Rowley
Consultant Haematologist, SNBTS

Intended Audience: TBC

Learning Objectives: 

  1. To understand that we are all error prone and human factors awareness may help reduce error
  2. Good communication is essential for safe management of stem cell transplant patients
  3. Increased awareness of IT flaws: IT is only as safe as the way it is set up and tested

Brief Description: 

Janus: Looking both ways: the many faces of error.

Why do we make mistakes? Human factors in transfusion practice
Alison Watt

Transplantation and transfusion slip-ups
Paula Bolton-Maggs

Information technology, when it is not your friend!
Megan Rowley

Abstract Oral Presentation:

Immune anti-D detected for the first time in pregnancy: preliminary results of cases reported to SHOT from 2012-2015
Paula Bolton-Maggs

Multiple laboratory errors resulting in transfusion of incorrect blood components
Hema Mistry

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