SHOT Mini Symposium
Day: Thursday | Time: 09:00 - 10:30 | Room: 1
Available Presentations
Janus: Looking both ways
Paula Bolton-Maggs
Transplantation and transfusion slip-ups
Paula Bolton-Maggs
Information technology, when it is not your friend!
Megan Rowley
Abstract Oral Presentation:
Immune anti-D detected for the first time in pregnancy: preliminary results of cases reported to SHOT from 2012-2015
Paula Bolton-Maggs
Multiple laboratory errors resulting in transfusion of incorrect blood components
Hema Mistry
Session Coordinators: Paula Bolton-Maggs and Alison Watt
Alison Watt
Operations Manager SHOT
Paula Bolton-Maggs
Medical Director SHOT
Megan Rowley
Consultant Haematologist, SNBTS
Intended Audience: TBC
Learning Objectives:
- To understand that we are all error prone and human factors awareness may help reduce error
- Good communication is essential for safe management of stem cell transplant patients
- Increased awareness of IT flaws: IT is only as safe as the way it is set up and tested
Brief Description:
Janus: Looking both ways: the many faces of error.Alison Watt
Paula Bolton-Maggs
Megan Rowley
Abstract Oral Presentation:
Immune anti-D detected for the first time in pregnancy: preliminary results of cases reported to SHOT from 2012-2015
Paula Bolton-Maggs
Multiple laboratory errors resulting in transfusion of incorrect blood components
Hema Mistry
Session Tags: