Genotyping in Transfusion
Day: Thursday | Time: 09:00 - 10:30 | Room: 3
Available Presentations
Setting up a routine antenatal cffDNA RHD typing service: the Oxford Experience
Julie Staves
The application of genotyping for rare donor screening
Nicole Thornton
Theuse of genotyping in the management of haemoglobinopathies
Dr. Sara Trompeter
Molecular characterisation of weak Lua and Lub expression associated with altered LU*01 and LU*02 alleles
Vanja Karamatic Crew
A new example of the rare Wr(a+b−) phenotype and anti-Wrb
Nicole Thornton
Session Coordinators: Dan Hollyman and Julie Staves
Nicole Thornton
Head of Red Cell Reference, IBGRL, NHS Blood and Transplant
Dr. Sara Trompeter
Julie Staves
John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford
Nicole Thornton
NHSBT, Bristol
Vanja Crew
NHSBT, Bristol
Brief Description:
Sessions include:
Setting up a routine antenatal cffDNA RHD typing service: the Oxford Experience
Julie Staves
The application of genotyping for rare donor screening
Nicole Thornton
Theuse of genotyping in the management of haemoglobinopathies
Dr. Sara Trompeter
Molecular characterisation of weak Lua and Lub expression associated with altered LU*01 and LU*02 alleles
Nicole Thornton and Vanja Crew
Abstract Oral Presentations:
Molecular characterisation of weak Lua and Lub expression associated with altered LU*01 and LU*02 alleles
Vanja Karamatic Crew
A new example of the rare Wr(a+b−) phenotype and anti-Wrb
Nicole Thornton
Session Tags: