Terms and Conditions
1. Delegate Booking
i) You are agreeing to the following terms below which become binding on you and us when you complete your conference booking and we issue you with a written confirmation of a place at the Annual Conference. The British Blood Transfusion Society will make every effort to deliver the conference to you in accordance with information supplied. The organisers reserve the right to alter the published programme and speakers according to circumstances.
ii) Every effort to ensure that any technical problems do not interfere with the provision of the conference will be made. However, in the event that technical problems are an issue this will not be treated as a breach of our obligations to you.
2. Cancellation Policy
i) Any amendments or cancellations by you must be made in writing to the conference organisers 1 month prior to the meeting – 13th August 2017 whereupon a full refund will be provided. Please note that any cancellations after this date will result in NO REFUND including social tickets, however we will honour a name change.
3. Payment Policy
i) Payment must be received in full before the conference. If paying by invoice, please ensure that BBTS has received payment from your employer prior to your attendance. All bookings made within 30 days of the conference must be paid by credit card. Outstanding invoices will require a credit card payment on arrival at registration.
4. Delegate code of conduct
i) For security reasons, and to allow access to conference areas, you are requested to wear your delegate badge at all times whilst in the conference venue. If your badge is lost please report to the registration desk for a replacement.
5. Commercial attendance in the capacity of a delegate
i) In order to qualify to attend the meeting in this capacity, your role will be of a scientific nature within commerce, such as research and development and under no circumstances will it be for the purpose of commercial gain. You must register as a delegate and pay in full for the relevant part of the meeting. It is essential that you are sensitive to the BBTS conference etiquette which does not condone the wearing of company badges, the issue of social invitations to chosen delegates or the targeting of delegates to discuss commercial issues.
6. Loss
i) No responsibility will be accepted by the BBTS or the SEC management for any property lost or stolen. Please ensure you have adequate insurance to cover any such losses
7. Events outside our control – Force Majeure Event
i) We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform or delay in performance of any of our obligations under these terms and conditions caused by events outside our reasonable control (“Force Majeure Event”).
A Force Majeure Event includes any act, event, non occurrence, omission or accident beyond our reasonable control and included in particular (but without limitation) the following: strikes or other industrial action; civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack; fire, storm flood or other natural disaster; impossibility of the use of railway, shipping, aircraft, motor transport or other means of public or private transport or delays in relation to such transport; or impossibility of the use of public or private telecommunication networks.
Our obligations under these terms and conditions are suspended for the period that the Force Majeure Event continues and provided that if the Force Majeure Event renders, in our opinion, the conference not viable whether from a financial or logistical point of view then we may cancel or postpone the conference. If we choose to postpone the conference to another date (and/or place) we will offer you the opportunity of attending the alternative conference date subject to payment of any increase in the delegate fee or refund if the delegate is reduced. If the conference is cancelled as a result of a Force Majeure Event we will provide refunds to delegates on the basis of any sums remaining to us after satisfying all our obligations in respect of the cancelled event. You acknowledge that it may be on this basis that no refund is possible.
8. Data Protection
i) Information provided by you or the booker on the registration form will be processed by the BBTS and used for the goods and services ordered by you. To include billing and accounts. Your details will be retained for the following purposes and you agree that the BBTS has the permission to do the following: to inform you of future events and activities of the BBTS and related organisations; to provide you with mailings related to the event; to include your registration details on a delegate list which is circulated to all delegates attending the conference including members of the trade who have purchased floor spaces. This will include your email address unless you have specifically ticked the required tick box indicating that you do not give permission for your email address to be included.
9. Photography disclosure
i) The BBTS reserves the right to use any photos taken during the meeting in various marketing materials and media for the promotion of future meetings and publicity. The taking of photos and the use of video cameras within the conference centre is prohibited at all times by attendees.
10. Intellectual property rights
i) The copyright and other intellectual property rights in any materials or documents provided to you as part of the conference are retained by the BBTS/speakers. You may not use the material, documents or other items for any commercial purpose.
11. Law
i) The law governing this agreement shall be the law of England and Wales and we submit to the jurisdiction of the English and Welsh Courts. A party who is not party to these terms and conditions shall not have any rights under or in connection with them under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.