Submission Instructions & Guidelines
Submissions have now closed
The categories for submission include:
Blood Components
Blood Donation
Red Cell & Immunology and Genotyping
Quality/Service Improvement
Transfusing Wisely
Laboratory Practice
Cellular Therapies
An abstract must not be submitted under more than 1 category.
Case reports would equally be welcome in the transfusing wisely and red cell immunology categories, we are also calling for abstracts from anaesthetists including those in training.
Abstracts must be original and must not have been previously published or presented at a large annual scientific meeting, including SHOT. If your abstract has been published elsewhere please let us know before your submission, you may still be able to submit this but it will not be published in Transfusion Medicine.
Any potential conflict of interest must be indicated upon abstract submission.
Presentation Type
Abstracts can be submitted as oral/poster/oral or poster. Several sessions within the scientific programme have been set aside for oral presentations (free papers). Each presenter will be allocated 15 minutes to present their paper via PowerPoint presentation
Presentation preferences (oral/poster) cannot be guaranteed and are subject to review by the abstract review process.
If your abstract is accepted as a poster a PDF copy of your poster is to be received via the abstract submission process no later than Saturday 10th September 2016
Abstract Content Preparation
Your abstract must set out clearly the purpose of the study and must include data to support your conclusions. Abstracts must be submitted in good English and not exceed 300 words including references BUT excluding the title, authors and affiliations.
- The title of the abstract should be no more than 30 words and objectively describe the study
- Introduction, state the purpose of the study
- Describe methods and/or study design
- Interpret results and state their significance
- Present data and results clearly
- Explain terms before abbreviating them
- Conclusions
Important Dates
Deadline for Abstract Submission: Wednesday 8th June 2016 (Midnight GMT)
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: Week commencing Monday 11th July 2016
Deadline to submit accepted poster PDF: Saturday 10th September 2016